Admissions open for BE & MBA - 2025-26 | BE: Computer Science and Engineering (CSE).. Information Science and Engineering (ISE).. Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE).. Civil Engineering (CIV).. Mechanical Engineering (ME).. | MBA: Marketing..Human Resource Management..Finance..Business Analytics..

Admissions open for BE & MBA - 2024-25 | BE: Computer Science And Engineering.. Information Science And Engineering.. Electronics And Communication Engineering.. Civil Engineering.. Mechanical Engineering.. | MBA: Marketing..Human Resource Management..Finance..Business Analytics..



CET: E 120

PG CET: B195

CET: E 120

PG CET: B195

Sri. Goyalji



The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) at Jnanavikas Institute of Technology is established to promote and sustain high standards in education and institutional processes. Tasked with implementing quality-focused policies, the IQAC aims to continuously enhance the institute’s educational and operational excellence.